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The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of the neck. While it is small in size, it affects many different organ systems in the body and is important for energy and metabolism. Thyroid disease can present with many different symptoms, depending on if the thyroid gland...
COPD is one of the most common health conditions seen in the USA today and particularly with smokers. The symptoms of COPD can include: · Shortness of Breath · Chronic Cough · Mucus production · Wheezing · Elevated Heart Rate This condition can be very difficult to deal...
Chronic kidney disease, also known as CKD, is a common kidney disease leading to worsening kidney function. The kidneys have the important task of filtering our blood and excreting waste from the body. Gradually over time, the kidneys can get injured and slowly begin to weaken in their function. Kidney...
Burning or itching when trying to use the bathroom can be uncomfortable, painful and confusing. You might wonder how could this happen? A urinary tract infection, often referred to as a UTI, is an infection of the urinary tract commonly caused by bacteria that is spread through improper bathroom hygiene...
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the most common medical problems Americans face today. According to the American Heart Association, around half of US citizens over 20 years old have high blood pressure. In our Urgent Care and around the US, hypertension is defined as blood...
Urgent Care is a important distinction from the Emergency Room (ER). According to BlueCross BlueShield, up to 82% of ER visits could have been handled at a Urgent Care. Both serve different purposes and it can be confusing to know when to go to the ER or to a nearby...
When ADHD is mentioned the image of a hyper child who lacks restraint or concentration, comes to mind. Symptoms can be population specific. ADHD is an abbreviation for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and it affects millions of people in the USA. ADHD is a mental health diagnosis with three...
Diabetes. This word has developed such a negative connotation over the years, that it has made patients hesitant to come to the doctor’s office or mention certain symptoms to their providers. Yes, this is a chronic condition and does require close monitoring and lifestyle changes. However, with the help of...
Mental Health is a basic human right, and is not a moral issue but is instead a public health issue. Improved mental health impacts the individual, their family and their community. Montgomery Family Care wants to make mental health care more accessible. You are not alone: Mental Health is...