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Thyroid Disease

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of the neck. While it is small in size, it affects many different organ systems in the body and is important for energy and metabolism. Thyroid disease can present with many different symptoms, depending on if the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will face thyroid disease at some point in their lives. Thyroid disease is more prevalent in women, but both men and women should be aware of the symptoms of thyroid disease.


Symptoms of hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid gland is producing too much thyroid hormone include:

· Weight loss

· Increased Appetite

· Increased Heart Rate or Blood Pressure

· Heat Intolerance

· Thinning Hair

· Increased Bowel Movements

· Anxiety, Irritability

· Excessive Sweating

· Neck swelling or trouble swallowing


Symptoms of hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone include:

· Weight gain

· Decreased Appetite

· Decreased Heart Rate or Blood Pressure

· Cold Intolerance

· Fatigue

· Constipation

· Depression

· Dry skin

· Changes to menstrual cycles

· Neck swelling or trouble swallowing


If you are experiencing these symptoms or have a family history of thyroid disease, providers at Montgomery Family Care are able to conduct proper lab testing and work with specialists to help create a medication regime or care plan for you. Thyroid disease can have multiple causes and proper evaluation is needed for each patient. At our Urgent Care, providers can conduct physical exams to check for thyroid enlargement, order thyroid function tests, or refer patients to a specialist to determine the root cause of the thyroid disease.


Thyroid disease cannot be cured, but many patients are able to achieve proper thyroid function with medications, surgical treatment or a combination of both. At Montgomery

Family Care, providers are trained to monitor thyroid medications and order routine blood tests to ensure treatment plans are working and ensure the best care for the patients that we see.

Patrick Bidros Medical Student University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

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