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COPD is one of the most common health conditions seen in the USA today and particularly with smokers. The symptoms of COPD can include:


· Shortness of Breath

· Chronic Cough

· Mucus production

· Wheezing

· Elevated Heart Rate


This condition can be very difficult to deal with. People with COPD may feel out of breath constantly when they try to walk around a grocery store or going up and down stairs. People with COPD also have less oxygen getting into their body due to the lung damage and may feel low on energy most of time. COPD also increases the risk of respiratory infections and pneumonia. These infections can cause more trouble with breathing and can be more serious for a patient with COPD.


If you are curious if you may have COPD, the providers at Montgomery Family Care can listen to your symptoms, order a Chest X-ray and order a spirometer test to measure your breathing function. These tests at our Urgent Care center, along with your symptoms, can provide the information the providers need in order to correctly diagnose COPD.


Luckily, there is a solution to improving the symptoms of COPD and preventing it from getting worse. Providers at Montgomery Family & Urgent Care are well trained to help prescribe inhalers to help the lungs expand and allow for more oxygen to enter the body. These inhalers are also best when added with smoking cessation, which can allow patients to breathe better and improve some of their symptoms.


Cessation of smoking is the #1 priority for people with COPD, as quitting smoking can help stop the lungs from getting worse in their function. Providers at Montgomery Family Care are also here to help patients quit smoking when you are ready. Providers can help set a plan to quit and also help guide you through steps towards fully quitting.


Those who struggle with COPD may have flare-ups, also known as exacerbations. These flare-ups can occur after having another infection or changes in your environment. The clinic is well-equipped to help provide you with medications for temporary relief as your flare-ups resolve. These flare-ups usually can be treated at our Urgent Care center and be more timely and cost-effective than expensive and crowded Emergency Rooms.


COPD can be hard to process since there is no cure, but there are important steps that patients can take in order to improve their symptoms and help them deal with living with COPD. Patients who are able to quit smoking and take their prescribed medications as directed are able to live a fulfilling life. Take the time to ask a provider at Montgomery Family Care about your risk of developing COPD, what you can do to quit smoking, or how you can better manage your COPD symptoms.

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is caused by lifelong inflammation of the lungs leading to the destruction of healthy tissue and causing shortness of breath and chronic coughs. COPD can be a harsh toll on a person’s daily life, but smoking cessation and medications have been proved to drastically help symptoms and improve the quality of life.

Taufik Kassis, MD

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